?What is Epigenomics

Epigenomics is the study of the complete set of epigenetic modifications on the genetic material of a cell, known as the epigenome. The field is analogous to genomics and proteomics, which are the study of the genome and proteome of a cell. Plant flavones are said to be inhibiting epigenomic marks that cause cancers. Indeed, Epigenomics refers to identifying modifications of DNA or DNA-associated proteins. These include DNA and methylation. Cell fate and functions can be modified by modifications in DNA and histones, apart from genetic changes. These changes can be based on the environment and are passed onto progeny. Epigenetic changes in genome can also act as markers for metabolic syndromes, cardiovascular diseases, and physiological disorders. These changes can be cell-and tissue-specific. Thus, it is critical to identify the epigenetic changes during native and diseased states. Next generation sequencing is also used to assess DNA modifications.

What is the difference between epigenetics and epigenomics?

Epigenetics focuses on processes that regulate how and when certain genes are turned on and turned off, while epigenomics pertains to analysis of epigenetic changes across many genes in a cell or entire organism.


What is Epigenomic profiling?

Epigenomics involves the profiling and analysis of epigenetic marks across the genome. These processes modify local genome activity without changing the underlying DNA sequences and thus determine cellular phenotypes by regulating gene expression dynamics.

What technology is essential for Epigenomics?

Epigenomics has only become possible in recent years because of the advent of various sequencing tools and technologies, such as DNA microarrays, cheap whole-genome resequencing, and databases for studying entire genomes.

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